Discover the bliss of stillness

Beyond the mind's continual chatter lies a quiet calm. Where the daily stresses of life fall away and you remember your inherent peace & wholeness.
Meditation takes you there. 

Join me for the journey.


Fed up with the noise in your head?

You have the power to calm your thoughts, hone your awareness, and harness the incredible power of your mind.

I can show you how.

AWAKEN is a year-long program to help you learn & deepen into meditation

It's like having your own private meditation teacher. Each month you'll receive a new meditation practice to help you be more present, navigate life with more ease and poise, and feel more connected to yourself and others.

What you'll receive as a Member:

9 Meditation techniques

A new meditation practice each month to help you develop, harness, and channel your energy. These are tried-and-true techniques passed down by teachers for millennia.

Simple how-to guides

Guided how-to videos with clear step-by-step instructions. Plus you'll receive downloadable cheatsheets so you practice on your own and become the master of your own energy.

3 Guided relaxations

For days when you just want to lie down and listen, you'll have guided meditations and relaxations to help you stay connected, calm, and present - with minimal effort.

Clear path to Mastery

You'll be guided through progressively deeper in practices tailored to help you connect with yourself in body, mind, and spirit. Once you learn it, each practice is yours for life - making you be the driver of your spiritual journey.


Continual support

Alexis is there to help and support you at any time. You can ask questions about the practices and share your experience for her feedback and insight.

"Alexis is an excellent teacher. Her presence, knowledge and obvious personal experience with yoga enables me to reach deeper places in my own practice."

Owner, Yoga Within

This isn't like other meditation programs...

If you've ever tried to learn to meditate before, you know the options are limited and frustrating:

❌ You go to a class but everyone is silent. There is no instruction and you're expected to sit still for 30-60 minutes right off the bat - ouch!

❌ You download a guided meditation, which makes you feel great while you're listening -- but then you're dependent on someone else instead of knowing how to help yourself. 

❌ You try a few techniques but you don't stick with any of them or understand which one is best for your needs.

AWAKEN is different. 

âś…You'll learn tried-and-true meditation techniques that systematically develop your focus, presence, and awareness.

âś…Each new technique will help empower you to help yourself and choose the right practices for your specific goals - whether you desire greater peace or calm or spiritual liberation.

âś…You'll master real techniques you can use for the rest of your life - any time you need to recenter and reconnect. 

AWAKEN is for you if...

âś…You want to feel at peace and love & accept yourself in body, mind, and soul.

âś…You struggle with negative thoughts or emotions and need an effective way to navigate the ups and downs of your moods, worries, insecurities, and fears.

âś…You've heard great things about the benefits of meditating but don't know how to do it.

âś…You're craving tangible tools to focus your mind, calm your emotions, and clear your head.

âś…You want to learn how to meditate for real - the proven techniques passed down for millennia.

âś…You're ready to awaken to a whole new level of being! 

âś…You want to expand your energy, connect with your higher self, and open to the Oneness of life.

Meditation can be as simple as stress relief or as illuminating as enlightenment.

Whether you're just looking to calm down or ready to explore the mysteries of the Universe, AWAKEN will help you get there.


For a limited time, save over 60% for your entire 12-month program!



Monthly meditation techniques 
(value $100 X 9)

Guided relaxations (value $150 X 3)

Detailed how-to videos (value $50 X 12) 

Downloadable practice guides
(value $20 X 12)

Total value: $2190+





Monthly meditation techniques 
(value $100 X 9)

Guided relaxations (value $150 X 3)

Detailed how-to videos (value $50 X 12) 

Downloadable practice guides
(value $20 X 12)

Total value: $2190+


Wondering if you'll like my voice?
Try this short clip to find out 

That wasn't so bad now, was it? :-)

About Your Guide

Hi! I'm Alexis - a soul strategist for successful (yet secretly unhappy) people. I help you reconnect with your purpose and then take aligned daily action to live it in body, mind, and spirit. 

I came to yoga as a high-level strategist in the U.S. Government. It was my absolute dream job, but I was also stressed, lonely, and unhappy. Yoga awoke a deep joy and calm within me, so after I left my career, I started learning everything I could. 

10 years of teaching and 1000+ hours of training later, I now bring yogic techniques into my coaching practice - and vice versa - to help you become the person you're meant to be.

In AWAKEN, you'll learn the meditative techniques shared with me by my teacher Swami Shantimurti Saraswati, who learned them from his teacher Swami Satyananda.

These aren't just feel-good guided relaxations. You'll discover tried-and-true methods to help you navigate the struggles of being human and awaken you to your highest state of consciousness.

"Just as you’d use a train or bus to get to a physical destination, meditation carries you inwards to the core of your being."

-- Swami Satyananda Saraswati

AWAKEN is NOT for everyone...

At its root, meditation is a system to awaken you to the truth of your existence and expand your consciousness to merge with universal consciousness.

The techniques you'll learn in AWAKEN will make your journey clearer, but don't mistake simplicity for ease.

This path takes commitment. You will face resistance, doubt, and fear. 

There are days you'll feel like skipping it and practices your mind will resist.

AND as a member of AWAKEN, you’ll have a support you need to navigate these challenges and any other questions that arise.

The tools and techniques you'll discover in this program have helped humans awaken to their highest selves for thousands of years.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

"Alexis is a terrific teacher, incredibly relateable."

Virtual meditation student


For a limited time, save over 60% for your entire 12-month program!



Monthly meditation techniques 
(value $100 X 9)

Guided relaxations (value $150 X 3)

Detailed how-to videos (value $50 X 12) 

Downloadable practice guides
(value $20 X 12)

Total value: $2190+





Monthly meditation techniques 
(value $100 X 9)

Guided relaxations (value $150 X 3)

Detailed how-to videos (value $50 X 12) 

Downloadable practice guides
(value $20 X 12)

Total value: $2190+


"Alexis is great!! Everyone should try her teaching"

Meditation workshop participant

"Just do it. Meditating will only bring benefits to your life. Not doing it brings nothing to your life. "

Meditation student

Have more questions?

AWAKEN is right for you if:

  • You've heard great things about the benefits of meditating but don't know how to do it.
  • You've tried meditating before but lost interest or quit because it didn't feel like you were getting anywhere. 
  • You want to learn how to meditate for real - the tried-and-true techniques passed down by teachers for millennia.
  • You're craving tangible tools to focus your mind, calm your emotions, and clear your head.
  • You're ready to awaken to a whole new level of being! 
  • You want to expand your energetic capacity, connect with your higher self, and tune into the Oneness of life.

Meditation can be as simple as stress relief or as illuminating as enlightenment. In AWAKEN, you'll be guided deeper and deeper with practices that help you hone your focus, channel your energy, and expand your awareness.  

You'll get:

- 9 X meditation practices (3 each Trimester) 
- Guided how-to videos with step-by-step instructions
- Downloadable cheatsheets to help you practice on your own

PLUS a longer, guided meditation and/or relaxation each Trimester - just lie down and listen.

You can also ask Alexis questions about the practices at any time.

Yes! In AWAKEN, you'll be guided through progressively deeper in practices tailored to help you connect with yourself in body, mind, and spirit. 

You'll have expert guidance right in the comfort of your home to help you learn or deepen into your practice and discover all that meditation has to offer.

Benefits include a calmer mind, more confidence, better focus, deeper breaths, and more energy throughout your day. You may also find it easier to make decisions, that your priorities are clearer, and you no longer feel as ruffled by the small frustrations of life.

Absolutely! You'll be guided to deepen your practice and expand your energy and awareness. 

AWAKEN will gift you a clear monthly sadhana, or practice, so that you can explore the subtleties of your energy. You will increase your capacity to hold and channel prana, as well as hone your focus and expand your awareness. I expect you to have greater and greater experiences of Universal wisdom, and spend more time feeling a sense of peace, contentment, and well-being.

In the first few months, the techniques we'll explore include practices to open and strengthen the breath like Durga breath and Kapalabati. Then you'll move into practices to focus your mind and awaken your energy like Nadi Shodhana, Prana Shudhi, and a japa japa. As we continue, you'll discover more subtle and refined practices traditionally taught only in person.

There are as many styles of meditation as there are stars! Well, maybe not really, but sometimes it feels that way :-) 

You'll receive a mix of styles in AWAKEN, though the main focus will be yogic meditation.

When I discovered yogic meditation, it was like finally having a map after wandering lost for years! This style specializes in building your skills step-by-step, so that you can systematically develop your focus, expand your awareness, and increase your energetic capacity. Translation: clear your mind, be more present, and feel more centered.

In my experience, yogic meditation works when nothing else does, because the practices work with your mind to help harness and focus its incredible power, instead of asking your mind to stop thinking and be empty. You'll deepen into stillness, not fight to create it.

On this journey, you'll learn hands-on techniques shared with me by my teacher Swami Shantimurti Saraswati, who learned them from his teacher Swami Satyananda.

These aren't just feel-good guided relaxations. You'll learn tried-and-true methods to help you navigate being human and awaken you to your highest state of consciousness.

That's up to you. On its own, each monthly practice is roughly 10 minutes. You may enjoy spending a few minutes afterwards in stillness.

AWAKEN is organized into 3 Trimesters, each of which includes 3 monthly practices. You can practice them one at a time or layer them into a longer practice as each Trimester continues. 

You'll also receive a longer guided experience / relaxation (~ 20 minutes) each Trimester.

For example:

April practice - 8 mins
May practice - 7 minutes (plus April practice if desired)
June practice - 9 minutes (plus April & May practices if desired)
July - a longer guided relaxation or experience

I'm here to help! You can ask me questions in the program portal.

I have two fundamental beliefs about meditation: 
1) The struggle to get your buns on the cushion is just as important as what happens on the cushion.
2) If you haven't found a practice that feels so good you can't not do it, then you haven't found the right practice yet. AWAKEN may be your answer.

Creating time and space for yourself to meditate is no small feat. The whole point of meditating is to expand your awareness and accept yourself (and life) with a calm presence. But to accept yourself, first you have to face yourself - and that's enough to keep anyone from meditating!

Luckily yogic meditation is specifically designed to help you navigate the ups, downs, and side effects of being human. Plus, I'm well versed in resistance and am here to help you commit to yourself through your practice.

All the content and materials are in an online portal, so you can access them anytime from anywhere you have internet on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You get access to all the content at once, so you can guide yourself through the practices at your own pace. Plus you can download the guided practices to enjoy again and again. You can also join our private community to connect with others, ask questions, get updates from Alexis, and share your experience.

Become a member today

There are no contracts or minimums. You can cancel at any time.


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