"This is a process like no other that I have come across - and I've tried a few - and it worked for me like nothing else has. I've learned more about my place in the world, and what I can offer in the last few weeks than I have in the last twenty years, and that means the word to me. "
"This is such an intense, deeply life changing process. You should put up a warning, "Caution: May cause earth shattering discoveries"."
"It's freakin powerful stuff. I am only now embodying it more and it feels amazing. I am so excited about the shifts it's bringing in. Took me a little while, but what a gift and I really appreciate it. So I hope/trust you know how your work really stays with people and benefits them."
"This is a BIG THOUGHT.....but...I am beginning to BELIEVE I AM ME.. Alexis THANK YOU for doing what you do for all of us! It is so huge...so expansive and so empowering. I have a feeling that I am so much closer that I ever thought to a launch pad of my true life’s purpose...WOW!!!! "
Go straight to the core of who you really are and gain clarity on what makes you YOU (versus all the other humans). THIS is what your soul is really trying to create with your life.
Discover your unique focus in the world (which is WAY bigger than any job title). Then you can become who you are most meant to be.
Figure out what happiness actually means and feels like for your soul. This is a must if you want to feel meaningful, fulfilled, and like you're actually living your purpose.
Hone in on the specific activities and elements that equal joy for your soul. Because once you know how to create your happiness, then you can do it day-after-day and infuse your life with meaning and purpose.
Commit to the daily actions that fill your soul with meaning and joy. Because when you build your life around what feeds you on the deepest level, you live your purpose with ease every day.
Confront your fears and doubts, so you can start being your joy and purpose every day. You'll have the tools and support you need to go from just living to living your truth with courage, focus, and determination.
Each week, you'll receive a guided video & practice (worksheet, meditation, etc) to walk you step-by-step through my signature system to discover and live your purpose.
Then we'll gather LIVE weekly as well to answer your questions, dive deeper into each step of the journey, troubleshoot your unique challenges, and give you my hands-on support.
✔️6 guided lessons to help you discover & embrace your purpose, truth, and joy
✔️6 live weekly calls to get personal support on your journey
✔️Daily support in a private group
✔️A DIY version of the 6-week program - yours to keep forever - so you can reconnect with your purpose anytime you feel lost or confused
Hi! I'm Alexis - a soul strategist & spiritual mentor for enlightened living.
I help people like you embody their truth with passion and joy.
Before creating my unique system to discover & live your soul’s purpose, I spent years as an award-winning strategist in the U.S. government.
I’ve advised U.S. Ambassadors, foreign dignitaries, the White House, and members of Congress on how to achieve goals instead of just dreaming about them.
Now I use all my strengths – from strategic visioning to 10 years teaching yoga and meditation – to connect you with the knowledge, wisdom, and tools you need to live your truth with joy and ease.
✔️6 guided lessons to help you discover & embrace your purpose, truth, and joy
✔️6 live weekly calls to get personal support on your journey
✔️Daily support in a private group
✔️A DIY version of the 6-week program - yours to keep forever - so you can reconnect with your purpose anytime you feel lost or confused
50% Complete
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