Hey, you -- if you're feeling stuck on auto-pilot just surviving, it's time to shift into your soul's truth and start thriving!

Dark Fuel Alchemy™
Go from overwhelmed and confused to clear in your purpose and taking aligned action with confidence!
(WITHOUT years of struggling or starting over from scratch)
Already know you want in?

IMAGINE being so aligned with your soul that everything you do invites in more love, flow, creativity, ease -- aliveness!
We're talking:
- Knowing in every cell of your being that you have a purpose --plus how to live it daily.
- Pouring yourself into what you love with energy, passion, and excitement, because you know you're meant to express and expand in the unique way only you can.
- Honoring yourself with compassion and being surrounded by people who celebrate who you are.
- Feeling at EASE in your body because you know you're on track and exactly who & where you need to be right now
- Know without a doubt that you are becoming more YOU every day.
This is exactly what 100+ brave souls on the path to inner peace and freedom have achieved with my help.

Embrace your purpose
Get clear on who you really are and start living your authentic truth... so you can focus on creating more meaning, fun, and JOY in your life.

No more years of searching, existential meltdowns, OR endless daily self-improvement tasks just to be YOU!
What You're Getting
- Instant access to the full strategic system to uncover and embrace your purpose
- 7 Actionable Modules with Videos, Meditations, & Worksheets
- Lifetime access to continually strengthen & align with your soul
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own soul plan
- [Bonus] Claim Your Personal Power course so you have the tools and support to become the person who lives your purpose (Value $297)
$997 or 3 X $333
WHAT will discover do for you?
- Give you a deeper understanding of yourself.
- Claim your hidden skills and talents so you know what sets you apart.
- Clarify your soul's unique essence and purpose, AKA what you're here to experience and facilitate.
- Understand your potential triggers - plus create a plan to turn life's challenges into soul-expanding power.
- Make sense of your past & how it's your soul superpower.
- Connect with true joy.
- Structure your daily life so that your actions and activities help you create more joy and fulfillment.

How would your life change if you were boldly living your purpose every day?
Most experts tell you that to find your purpose, you should analyze your skills, assess your talents, triangulate those with your passions (as if you remember what that feels like), and then match all that up with a way to make money.
Or they give you a vague, canned answer like "teacher" or "leader" or "humanitarian" - as if that helps you know your next steps.
No thank you! Far from helping you get clear, these outdated methods have you compromising, settling, and playing guessing games before you've even started!
Purpose is soooo much easier than all that!
The truth is - you aren't here to be a 9-to-5 work robot who only cares about money until you die.
You're here to create. To explore. To LIVE.
And you had a purpose long before you started thinking about your legacy, impact, and career. Back when you used to play and dream and BE.
The you that knows who you are.
Who trusts your intuition.
Who feels the call of your soul and BOLDLY answers.
Let me show you how...
Here’s what we cover:
The breakdown
Dark Fuel Alchemy™
Discover your purpose. Become the person who lives it.
Plugging into You
Connect with yourself and harness the power of your intention, because you always, always, ALWAYS get what you truly desire on a soul-level.

Soul Truth Reclamation
Go straight to the core of who you really are and gain clarity on what makes you YOU (versus all the other humans). THIS is what your soul is really trying to create with your life.
Soul Spectrum Mapping AKA your purpose
Discover your unique focus in the world (which is WAY bigger than any job title). Then you can become who you are most meant to be.

Embracing Alchemy
Learn how to use your purpose to work WITH life, so you can stop being derailed by every hurdle in your path and start using life's challenges to empower yourself, AKA feel more aligned, confident, and on purpose.
Soul Joy Calibration
Figure out what happiness actually means and feels like for YOUR soul. This is a must if you want to feel fulfilled and like you're actually living your purpose.

Embodying Bliss
Hone in on the specific activities that fill you up on a deep level. Because once you know how to create your own happiness, you can do it day-after-day to infuse your life with meaning and purpose.
Your Soul-Aligned Life
Bring it all together to create a roadmap to your purpose-driven life! This is your key to moving forward with clarity, ease, and confidence, or as I like to say - at peace and on purpose.

The program also includes a bonus course that will help you up-level your mindset, break through your fears, and become the person who can live your purpose with CONFIDENCE.
Claim Your Creative Power course
This initiation will help you step into your power, so that you can speak your truth, set healthy boundaries, and BE YOU - unapologetically.

What You're Getting
- Instant access to the full system to uncover and embrace your purpose
- 7 Actionable Modules with Videos, Meditations, & Worksheets
- Lifetime access to continually strengthen & align with your soul
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own soul plan
- [Bonus] Claim Your Personal Power course so you have the tools and support to become the person who lives your purpose (Value $297)
$997 or 3 X $333
This is for:
Brave souls on the path to inner peace and freedom who are tired of playing small
Passionate women who want to stop spinning in circles and start living their purpose with clarity and confidence.
Artists, Creatives, and Visionaries craving a deeper understanding of their impact in the world
Business owners and Professionals who a ready to infuse more meaning into their work.
This is not for:
X Someone who wants another person to "fix" them
X Someone who isn't willing to show up and make the inner shifts
X Someone who just wants to know what job will finally make them happy (though knowing your purpose and soul-aligned actions will help you choose the right fit)
You'll connect with your soul starting Day 1.
This is your ticket out of overwhelm and into soul-aligned flow.
Let's get you started!
Chances are you've already invested an astounding amount of years, tears, and fears trying to figure out who you are and what you're meant to be doing with your life.
Maybe your inbox is full of personality assessments, career quizzes, and free trainings that promise to show you your direction in life... but you're still feeling confused and overwhelmed.
You know why? It's not because other experts aren't smart or tuned in. It's that they're stuck in an outdated paradigm of trying to create soul-level meaning from what you do.
But deep fulfillment is a reflection of who you ARE. Once you shift into alignment with your SOUL, everything else falls into place -- including your career, creative expression, and impact.
This program is designed to usher you straight into your soul's truth, so you can start having Aha! moments and breakthroughs right away.
Students have experienced incredible RESULTS within weeks of joining, from releasing life-long fears to starting new businesses to finally writing that book.
This is a community for brave souls who are ready to start fully LIVING.

Bookings with ease
Jimbo stopped pushing, opened to ease, and booked 27 gigs while kayaking.

Whole new business
Sarah-Joy came up with a whole new business idea and started on it right away after years of insecurity!

Dream turned reality
Kristin launched her own business, moved 3000 miles across country, and created her dream life - in just 11 months!

Joy in every step
Hana discovered her true purpose, 'downloaded' a whole new business, and jetted off for a 4-week retreat in Costa Rica!

About Your Host
Hi! I'm Alexis - the inner peace activist. I help people like you break free from who you're "supposed" to be and discover who you REALLY are by awakening your purpose.
Because life is too short to waste faking it, confused, or holding back on your dreams.
I spent years as an award-winning strategist in the U.S. government, advising U.S. Ambassadors, foreign dignitaries, the White House, and members of Congress. Now I use all my strengths – from strategic visioning to 10 years teaching yoga and meditation – to connect you with the knowledge, wisdom, and tools you need to live your truth with joy and ease.
The process you'll experience in this program is the exact process I use with private clients to help you connect with your soul & design the life of your dreams.
This is the transformation you've been waiting for - in mind, body, and soul.
You'll have everything you need to get clear on who you are, so that you can start doing more of what you love
Just like my existing clients

Dark Fuel Alchemy™
Installment Plan
- Instant access to the full strategic system to uncover and embrace your purpose
- 7 Actionable Modules with Videos, Meditations, & Worksheets
- Lifetime access to continually strengthen & align with your soul
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own soul plan
- [Bonus] Claim Your Personal Power course so you have the tools and support to become the person who lives your purpose (Value $297)
YOUR INVESTMENT: $333 X 3 consecutive months
Dark Fuel Alchemy™
Pay in Full
- Instant access to the full strategic system to uncover and embrace your purpose
- 7 Actionable Modules with Videos, Meditations, & Worksheets
- Lifetime access to continually strengthen & align with your soul
- Step-by-step guidance to create your own soul plan
- [Bonus] Claim Your Personal Power course so you have the tools and support to become the person who lives your purpose (Value $297)

This is a process like no other that I have come across - and I've tried a few - and it worked for me like nothing else has.
I've learned more about my place in the world, and what I can offer in the last few weeks than I have in the last twenty years, and that means the word to me.

It's freakin powerful stuff. I am only now embodying it more and it feels amazing. I am so excited about the shifts it's bringing in.

Alexis is an absolute master at soul level work that will create a blueprint for EVERYTHING else in your life.
Money Mindset Coach +
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

This is such an intense, deeply life changing process. You should put up a warning, "Caution: May cause earth shattering discoveries".

Still Got Questions?

When Does The Program Start?
How do i access the program?
What's your refund policy?

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